Thursday, July 10, 2014

kitsunedon hello everyone ive

kitsunedon hello everyone ive


Hello everyone!!  (*≧▽≦)ノシ)) 
I’ve been asked about my wigs for the longest time - and instead of replying to each of you individually, I finally decided to sum up my experience with ebay and how things go down from there for me. ♥ 

I’ve always purchased my wigs from ebay, and over the years I’ve came across both good and bad sellers. So, based on my experience, I’ve decided to share this tutorial with you guys. I hope it will be helpful! \o/

DISCLAIMER: There are many factors that influence my choice of wigs. 

 Firstly, it’s the character’s reference. I do a lot of research on other cosplayers as well (live reference is great!!), and knowing my face shape I can choose what style to go for. More spiky, more smooth, etc., whether I want to cover my forehead, the side of my face, etc. etc. …
※ It also depends on what effect I want to achieve with my wig - whether I want to go with original anime reference or do an interpretation of my own. 

 Also, I usually do a lot of styling to my wigs. Important thing is that unless you’re buying a pre-styled wig (i.e. for Nezumi from N.O.6), you might need to style your wig -  shorten it/spike it/brush it because the wigs are usually much longer (either the fringe or the back of the wig) so that they fit all face shapes and sizes. And, they are usually pretty mussed up from aall that traveling they have to go trough before reaching you, hehe. Wigs are meant to be styled!! Don’t be afraid of it - there are plenty tutorials online, and it would be a shame if you bought a great wig and haven’t customized it to fit your face/your character’s hair adequately.

※ My budget is also important, but I often find myself spending a lot on wigs because to me they are the most important part of the costume. So even if I start with the cheapest ones, I may end up with a 30 USD wig! uh-oh

I don’t have any specific sellers! My wigs are ALWAYS search & find.  

※ Browsing for wigs can be great fun. ♥ I take my time choosing a good wig, even a month, browsing through pages and pages of ebay to find a perfect fit or compare colour, style, etc. … Don’t make hasty decisions! And ask your friends for their opinion, this always helps! (ノ´∀`)

Alright, I’m done here I think… - in case I left any questions unanswered, ask away~!!

I’d like to add on to this!

  • Not only is it important to check the seller’s feedback, it’s important to know WHAT that feedback is on. Do they sell only a handful of wigs but tons of unrelated wholesale items (jewelry, electronics)? Then you need to look specifically for reviews on wigs. Overall you should lean more towards sellers that specialize in selling wigs.
  • Make sure the images used aren’t stolen. The reason why you see repeat images isn’t because the wigs are the same, it’s because the wigs are knockoffs! A lot of the wigs sold on ebay are fakes, usually copies of wigs from lucaille-wigs or fantasysheep (you can find them on taobao, they ship internationally!)

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