Saturday, October 27, 2012

Adam Levine Hates Christina Aguilera’s Haters, Too

Christina Aguilera has beef with bloggers - or so she said in a recent Q&A: “Now everyone is a critic... I don't read blogs. It's just God-knows-who in Buttfuck-wherever writing hate-shit. You can't take it seriously. I'm sure you've all been hated on at some point by buttfuck people.” (Is this because we still don’t appreciate Bionic?) Now Adam Levine has sounded off on the topic in Xtina’s defense!

At a Q&A of his own, Adam said this of his Voice co-host’s haters: “The one thing about the culture right now, celebrity culture particularly, is people feel like they can just say nasty things about other people whether it’s Christina or whether it’s me. She gets a lot and it pisses me off. Of course I have her back and of course I defend her.”

While Adam and Christina have reportedly not always gotten along on The Voice, Adam also says those rumors were wildly exaggerated: “We never hated each other. We never were having some sort of secret battles that everyone thought we were having,” describing their squabbling as like “brother and sister.”

And for those who mock the Lotus songbird for her weight gain: “People shouldn't say those kinds of things. Because, f**k you. Come on, guys. Grow up.”

Fair enough, as long as Adam doesn’t start calling us “butffuck people,” too.

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