Sunday, May 4, 2014

Betty Who Signs With RCA Records, Continues Quest To Save Music


Good news for people who love good pop music: Betty Who, Australian glamazon extraordinaire and dance-pop songbird, whose The Movement EP cemented her as one of the brightest stars on the horizon, has signed to RCA Records, where she will record her debut album and make her contemporaries look foolish and basic for even trying. Label buzz was circulating around the chanteuse all summer, but it really ignited with last week’s release of a viral wedding proposal video set to her song “Somebody Loves You,” which accrued over 9 million views and saw her debut EP shoot up the iTunes chart.

So now she’s an official major label pop star, with greatness (and by greatness, I really just mean “radio play”) in her future. Godspeed, Miss Who. This is your moment.

[via Billboard]

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